Hi, there! How are you doing and how was the first month of 2018?
I’m always horrified that time has gone by so quickly.
We’ve done ’88 Hiking’ last month. We’ve been up to above of Iwaya-kannon under the beautiful sky. It took about 3 hours all the way through though, it was so lovely time to absorb full of the enegy of the nature! Thank you so much indeed three good companies for joining us.
The best things we’ve got is close to the trail, mountains and nature. We literally want you to have short break among walking busiest city like Tokyo and Osaka in Japan. We’d love to take place ’88 hiking’ periodically, so please keep your eyes on our Facebook and blogs.
全てを業者さん任せにすることなく「できるだけ自分で」「できるだけリサイクル」をモットーに、広島・矢野にある「月と雨 建築舎」安藤さんご協力のもと、トイレやお風呂を直しています。
By the way, we’ve been redecorating 88house just now!
We want to renovate it by ourselves and reuse the scrap woods as possible as we can under instruction by Shingo Ando who is architect in Yano, Hiroshima.
We’ve been changing the floor in the toilet and increased a seat and a small shower room which will be accessed from outside directly. Kengo-san has sticked lots of insulation under the floor so you would feel warm even cold winter! And the corridor would be bright due to painting in white.
So we’re looking forward to seeing you in new 88house!
<<88 NEWS>>
①3月5日(月)88ハウス・オーナー桃田さん登壇! 大家の学校 広島分校(トークイベント)
19:30-21:30(受付19:00から) @レインボー倉庫広島
②4月22日(日)528 market Vol.4 / 第4回お庭マーケット @88house